I have made it clear in the past that I held a distain towards "Kamen Rider Ghost", even going as far as to declare it the worst Kamen Rider season I had seen thus far. I will freely admit that my stance on it being the worst was unfair; I was still relatively new to the franchise and had yet to really get into the likes of "Agito" and "Ryuki", both of which I consider much more infuriating than "Ghost". I still don't like the series at the end of the day, but I will primarily pin it's failing's on the part of the producers playing havoc with it's progression; focusing more on promoting the toys instead of allowing Takuro Fukuda, the former head writer, to create something good that audiences can enjoy.
Why am I bring up "Ghost" for this review, you may ask?
Because Shinichiro Shirakura had the funds from both "Ghost" and "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger", the Sentai series of that year, cut in half; transferring the money that he had basically stolen to fund his own vanity project. That project eventually became "Kamen Rider Amazons", a quasi-reboot to "Kamen Rider Amazon" that was produced in conjunction with Amazon Prime.
Shirakura even boasted about how this show was basically his creation, claiming that Heisei Kamen Rider was not "interesting" and he hoped that "the toothless Kamen Riders can get their fangs back".
In other words, the arsehole had ignored any and all sophistication and nuance that the previous six Rider series (W/Double-Drive) has had and wanted something that was full of violence, gore, swearing and full on cannibalism. If I were to equate "Amazons" to something else more mainstream, then it's more akin to literally anything that Mark Millar has ever written; being dark, edgy and gritty, but in a way that's too stupid and pretentious to be taken seriously.
In a world constantly clouded by an ugly green colour filter, the Nozama Pharmacy, owned by Reika Mizusawa, had accidently created a race of cannibalistic monsters called Amazons. A group of mercenaries, one of them being a tame Mole Amazon named Mamoru, are brought together to hunt the Amazons down for the sake of a paycheck. Matters are made complicated, however, when a former scientist named Jin Takayama enters the picture on his own mission to exterminate the Amazons, fighting as Amazon Alpha. And if that wasn't enough, Reika's son Haruka gets involved after learning that he is also an Amazon, becoming Amazon Omega and being put on the extermination team because of nepotism via Reika.
Before I tear this show a new one, I can give it this; the theme song, "Armour Zone" by Taro Kobayashi, is an absolute banger. It has a good pace, and does a great job capturing the themes of the show through it's lyrics. That's honestly the most I can say about the song, as I'm not really good at analysing music.
I also really like Amazon Alphas design; it's a really good update to the original outfit while still retaining the necessary elements that make it recognisable as Amazon. And surprisingly enough, the colours don't really bother me that much. Silver, red, black and green actually made for a really good contrast.
There was also some decent foreshadowing to the ultimate endgame to this season. Essentially, Nozama Pharmacy's plan, Project: Tlaloc, is to use a gas that can kill Amazons quickly and mix it with a rainstorm to get as many of them as possible. The gas was used in an earlier episode when the extermination team get trapped in an apartment block full of Amazons, and the very first episode starts in the middle of a rainstorm, tying back to Tlaloc as the Aztec God of rain. Legitimate kudos there.
As for anything else I enjoyed... yeah, that's it.
I don't like Omegas suit. Like Alpha, the suit still has some of the elements of the original Amazon, but it feels more like a costume than the original did. I think it's the materials that make it look like a chunk of plastic that's yearning to be a toy. On top of that, giving any suit resembling Amazon a facemask when the main motif is supposed to be a piranha fish feels kind of sacrilegious. So yeah, not a fan.
But honestly, I probably wouldn't have as much of a problem with Omegas suit, or even a majority of the suits, were it not for the stupid fucking green filter that plagues the entire show. This is something I have never understood about "dark and gritty" reboots; what is their obsession with making it as visually unappealing as possible by putting on a dingy screen filter that sucks out all the colour like a black hole? Even in scenes that take place during broad daylight on a scenic beach, it looks like a massive dark cloud is overcasting the entire area in darkness, thus casting every shot in shadows and thus making it hard to see. I hate it whenever I feel like I need to turn up the brightness on my screen just so I can see what the fuck is even happening!
It doesn't help that the soundtrack, outside of the main theme, is just pretentious trash. If it's not generic action rock, there'll be a sudden burst of acapella yodelling to make the scene more serious. It fails, however, as it is constantly overused and does not fit the scene where they are used. I don't normally mind acapella music so long as it serves a purpose and helps the viewer become more engaged with a scene. But when the same acapella track is used over and over again in scenes where it isn't needed, it becomes less of an interesting means of creating a tone and more of an obnoxious gimmick that takes itself far too seriously for the audience to become invested. It's pretentious and artsy just for it's own sake.
I found it exceedingly difficult to give a single shit about any of the characters. Starting with Haruka, he should the most interesting by default as the main character; he's an Amazon injected with human DNA who is trying to discover what he is fighting for. And yet, with each episode he keeps acting like a ball in Pong; he bounces back and forth between his ideals and believes with no prompting or consistency, not helped by the fact that he can act like a blatant dumbarse at points. As an example, there is an episode where an Amazon disguised as a chef kills civilians and cooks them for other Amazons, which should allow them to hold back their savage hunger for normal humans. Haruka, for some inexplicable reason, sympathises with the cannibals and says that Amazons deserve a chance to live in peace, blatantly ignoring how the Amazons are still willingly killing people just to keep themselves fed. And when your main character is being a belligerent imbecile, you thus can't relate with them as their actions suddenly become less sensible. The most positive thing I can say about Haruka is that he can definitely yell "AMAZON" like he's turning into a savage beast.
As for the rest of the characters; Jin was a major hypocrite with how he'll kill mindless monsters like Amazons for feasting on humans, but wouldn't so much as attack a serial killer purely because they were human. Any moral high ground he may have is instantly lost, especially when he finishes the series feasting on an Amazon heart instead of a raw egg. Mamoru was annoying a lot of the time, with how he would either yell happily at the top of his voice or cry like an infant at the smallest thing. Reika was not endearing with how she basically used her son as a selling point to keep her place as director of the Nozama Pharmacy, though this proves to pointless with how it's apparently up and gone in the next season. I can summarise most of the extermination team as just... people. Unfortunately, they are not very interesting people. A couple of them die at one point, and I could barely notice any real difference. And finally, Reika's daughter Mizuki is... um... she just is. She just exists and does nothing else significant that I could name.
The action scenes, despite a clear emphasis on hand to hand martial arts combat, is shoddily directed and choreographed, with the editing and screen filter making it difficult to follow what is even happening for most of the fights. As I have brought up in other reviews, I can normally follow action scenes with fast pacing so long as it's directed well. The action in this show, however, is not directed well. In fact, I can pretty much say that for the entire series. There are a lot of bizarre camera tricks that exist for no other reason than to look artsy, and combined with the editing and colour filter makes it an ugly show to watch. I honestly have a hard time distinguishing one action scene from another because of the how much I don't like looking at this show.
For the bragging that Shirakura made about giving Kamen Rider its fangs back, there is very little in terms of actually maturity. Sure, there is a violence and blood and all that shit, but in terms of sophisticated storytelling? There's zilch. Nada. Zero. Much of the cast ended up as either forgettable or unlikeable, the action is incoherent, the world-building is lacking, and the story is a mess. I can't even say it's funny in how bad it is; it's boring. And yet at the same time, it's infuriating with how THIS is the series that "Ghost" and "Zyuohger" suffered for. "Amazons" is a pretentious, ugly mess lacking in any form of creativity or entertainment. If you enjoyed it, good for you. But I doubt I would recommend it unless you were a masochist.
And yet, Season 2 is apparently worse.
Overall rating: 2/10 (It's trash).
If you enjoyed this review, please let me know in a comment. Feel free to also post your thoughts on this series in a comment if you so wish. I'd also appreciate it if you not only shared this on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc), but if you follow me on Twitter; my handle is @MediaHood23. I post there every few days or so and I also make polls for what I should review next if I have writer's block.
But until next time; this is Callum Lewis, the Media Hood, signing off!
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